Your prompt is a question or instruction for the AI. It should be simple, focused on a specific topic, and contain relevant keywords.
Bad prompt: "What is the world like?"
(Vague and unclear, leading to a broad and unspecific answer)
Good prompt: "What was the geopolitical status of the world in 1942?"
(Effective and specific, allowing the AI to provide a detailed answer about World War II)
Rule #1 for ChatGPT Basics: Always Have a Clear Topic in Your Prompt
When using ChatGPT, your initial prompt should always be focused on a specific topic. To improve ChatGPT's performance, you can use follow-up prompts in three different ways:
This will prompt ChatGPT to provide a more detailed explanation on specific parts of its initial answer, allowing you to refine its focus.
Use phrases like "Can you expand on..." or "Can you explain more about...".
Example: Can you expand on the American war effort in 1942?
This will prompt ChatGPT to provide simpler answers that are easier to understand. You can even ask ChatGPT to explain its answer as if you were a five-year-old, making it as simple as possible.
Use phrases like "Can you simplify that answer for me?" or "Can you explain that to me like I'm five years old?"
Example: Can you simplify that answer for me? OR Can you explain that to me like I'm five years old?
This will prompt ChatGPT to change the course of its answers. If you feel that the initial
answer is incorrect, or if you want to explore a different aspect of the topic, use the phrase "Can you focus on...".